Brian & Susi Moon - Fort Collins
My garden railroad has gotten off to the slowest start imaginable. The track plan I am showing is based on a CAD drawing done in 2013 and everything has been planned and laid out according to grid. The track plan was laid out with 1" foam templates cut on a CNC table router. Talk about over-engineered! There have been some significant changes and additions along the way, crudely updated here with colored Sharpies. The good news is most of the issues have been worked out and everything is now solid and functional. The Photo shows an afternoon train reflected in the waters of the Sippicup River. Life is good here. Now I start filling in the empty spaces. By the end of this 2024 season my little town should be pretty well built up, but the plans and ideas do not stop there. A logging line is being built and plans have been hatched to build a sawmill to the south of town. After 10+ years, we're just getting started here in Nola.